DIY Valentine’s Day Arrangement

Show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day and create a beautiful arrangement to add to your houseplant collection, or create a handmade gift made with love for someone special in your life. Join us and learn how to make a beautiful Valentine’s centerpiece....
Air Purifying Plants

Air Purifying Plants

Houseplants are a really effective way to purify the air, as they are known to decrease toxins. It is recommended to have two house plants for every 100 square feet of space in your home. Check out some of our favorite air-purifying plants! Peace Lily Sun Exposure:...
Plant Care is Self-Care

Plant Care is Self-Care

Did you know tending to plants can significantly reduce stress, have positive effects on heart rate, and even lower blood pressure? Have you ever noticed the plants throughout yourdoctor’s office? Studies have shown plants in waiting rooms can actually make you feel...


The perfect fall houseplant. Many peoples use crotons outside to add color to their green gardens, but many don’t realize crotons make one of the most colorful, unique houseplants. The colors vary from red, yellow, green, purple, white, and more. The shape and size...
Best Plants for Your Bedroom

Best Plants for Your Bedroom

Having plants in your bedroom is a great way to create the peaceful and tranquil environment we all strive for. Whether your room is flooded with natural light or is dependent on lamps for lighting, there is a houseplant perfect for you. Snake Plant A “black thumb”...