Do you identify as a houseplant killer? Does the idea of a high-maintenance plant send shivers down your spine, yet you still want to begin an indoor jungle? Have no fear, Farmer John’s is Here! Today we’re looking at SIX plants that are easy to take care of and hard to kill for those with a not-so-green thumb.

First, try a pothos! Pothos are trailing plants that have heart-shaped leaves. They thrive in indirect light but have also been known to survive off low or artificial light. As for watering, pothos love to be completely dried out between watering’s. As mentioned in our indoor plants for pets’ video, pothos can be toxic to cats and dogs. An easy way to remedy this is to hang your plant in a macramé hanger up high so pets cannot get to it.

Next, we’re going to take a look at snake plants. Like pothos, snake plants enjoy being completely dried out in-between watering’s; so, it’s best to wait a few weeks to assure you’re not overwatering your plant. In this wintertime this is even more true, with the colder weather make sure you are not overwatering. When it is time to water your snake plant, make sure you are through; allowing the excess to drain out of the bottom of your pot. Snake plants also thrive in low-light environments, even fluorescent or indirect light!

Next, my personal favorite, the spider plant. Although the name may bring the image of creepy crawlies the spider plant is named so because of the little babies that appear on the ends of runners and their shape similar to spiders. These spiderettes are easy to propagate and can be given as gifts to friends and family. Spider plants love being pot bound and snuggled tight. For light, the best areas for spider plants have bright indirect light. These babies also can survive on little watering, as too much can waterlog the roots.

A summertime staple, the aloe plant is primarily known for its gooey inside used to make sunburn soothing gel. As a houseplant, these succulents enjoy being completely dried out in between waterings, but when you do water make sure to provide a nice long drink. The most common reason for dead aloe plants is overwatering. Bright, indirect light is needed for the aloe plant to thrive; we suggest keeping it in a sunny window area.

If you’re looking to bring positive energy, good luck and increased finances to your life try incorporating a jade plant in your indoor garden. Like many of the plants we’ve mentioned, the jade plant enjoys a nice dry-out in between watering’s. You may see the small leaves begin to shrink and become smaller, that’s when you know your plant is thirsty. Again, provide your jade plant with a long and through watering session allowing all the water to drain out the bottom. In the winter months you may notice that your jade plant needs even less watering.

Although their look makes them seem like an exotic and high-maintence plant, the peace Lily are surprisingly easy to grow and have recently become one of the most common houseplants. Make sure your lily has well-draining potting soil that will keep your roots evenly moist. For light, bright indirect light will help keep your plants happy. If you begin to notice the blooms are slowing or not blooming at all, try putting your peace lily in a brighter area. To further help set up your peace lily for success, try increasing the humidity in the area around the plant. This can be done with a humidifier or by putting your plant on a pebble lined tray filled with water.