Tips for Making a Terrarium
Terrariums are great because you have full control over the design. You can mix and match different mosses and plants to make it your perfect fit. It’s like your own personal garden in a globe! There are many different methods to make a terrarium. Find the method that works for you and get creative!

Supplies you may need:
Terrarium Container (Open or Enclosed)
Activated charcoal
Aquarium gravel or stone
Terrarium plants
Potting mix
Decorating supplies

1. Be Conscious with your Container
Picking a container for your terrarium can be a fun and creative experience. Glass or plastic containers with a detachable lid work great. Find something with no drainage holes and a removable top for access to the inside. Plants that dislike humidity prefer an open terrarium. You can reuse a container you already have in your home. A mason jar or an old fishbowl work great, get creative! If you can’t find anything that works, Farmer John’s has a wide variety of containers to pick from.
2. Choosing your plants
Plants that enjoy indirect lighting and high humidity work best in a terrarium. These humidity-loving plants can stay in an enclosed container. If you wish to make a cactus and succulent terrarium, make sure you use an open container to promote airflow. When building your terrarium, use the correct potting mix for the plants you choose. Try not to overcrowd your plants or have them too close to the edge.
3. Layering
Charcoal and rocks are a great starting point for terrariums. The charcoal helps get rid of any odors while the stones help with drainage. When working on your soil layer, plant as you would in a garden bed. If working with an open terrarium, feel free to add a thin layer of pebbles on top of your soil. When working with an enclosed container, be careful with adding pebbles. Pebbles can stop the circulation of humidity in your terrarium. Lighty water your terrarium after planting.
4 Get Creative
Decorate the final layer with different stones, moss, pebbles, sand, and figurines! The design is completely up to you. You don’t need to be a plant expert to start your first terrarium. Have fun and enjoy your new garden in a globe!